Sunday, October 14, 2012

the woman or the bean

Were you surprised to hear Paul Ryan reference "reason and science" when justifying his pro-life philosophy during the Vice Presidential Debates? 

I was.

What Republican would risk his or her reputation by basing a policy decision on [gasp] science?!   Well, as it turns out, not Paul Ryan.   When it comes to abortion, he can't seem to see the woman for the bean.

If I can trouble you for one more click, you can read more about my thoughts on Ryan's "science" over at Opinionista today!

Thanks for checking it out!


  1. But don't we all want Paul Ryan cultivating our proverbial gardens? eeeegads. Loved your post on Opinionista. :)

  2. Love your post there, Deb! It's one of the many reasons I'm scared for Romney to be elected ... the possibility this other freak could be president if Mittens kicked the bucket!

    1. Hey Katy,
      thanks for taking the time click over. yes - i would have thought Ryan would have scared a lot more people off. he really is so extreme!

  3. Chad agrees with you, too. He simply said...."scary." The combination of being so certain that what you believe is what everyone else has to believe...and the sentimentality that was saying it was science. Good grief. All reasons aren't reasonable.

    Total hill of well said! I love your reference to being the helped the analogy fall apart. I love how you see that metaphors out to the nth degree and bring them you don't let them get washed over in over simplicity. Personally, I really cringed at his reference, too, because we can Amma beans. Yuck.

    1. tell Chad I am so honored he took the time to read it! And he is right, it is scary.

      Amma is a bean. A beautiful bouncing baby bean. And that's great! It's just not science! :)
